Thursday, April 2, 2009

What a day/Feather Fun!!!!!

So I have had the most incredible day today and I would like to share it with all of you. Disclaimer: I am on medication that makes me crazy. Insane even. You must keep this in mind while reading this post because it magnifies every situation 100x.
First of all, I must say that everyone and thing relating to my job today decided to gang up on me and make my life difficult. Obviously due to the nature of my work I would be breaking confidentiality if I went into further detail, so you are just going to have to take my word for it.
Second, I received a call from Dru on his lunch break along with a picture message to show me what the dogs had done to our house. More on that later.
Third, I went to fill up my gas tank today and one of the employees was absolutely certain that I still owed the store $10 even though I paid at the pump. Needless to say, I was very frustrated because I knew I had paid for my gas. It turned out that I was right and had indeed paid for my entire tank, but it was not until my client informed me that I realized I was yelling at the poor man. How embarassing!!!
Back to my sweet adorable puppies! It turns out that my dogs decided to play tug-o-war with one of my throw pillows and since a picture is worth a thousand words I won't say more.

I have cleaned up the feather mess after emptying the vac. 3 times. While cleaning Maddie and Marley both jumped in the feathers and pounced on the vacuum (never know how to spell that word) barking the entire time. I swear they were mad at me for taking away their fun and were telling me off.
I have obviously had a rough day and you will be glad to know that I will be taking the rest of the night off before I start again tomorrow, but I must point out the bright side of everything today. Maddie and Marley had a blast with those dang feathers! Mind you I was only able to recognize this with the help of my dear friend Chels!


Ben and Chennelle said...

I'm so sorry to hear that...sometimes we have those days and all one wants to do is go to bed and forget everything! :) I hope tonight is better and that tomorrow is even better!

bb,tonya and cam... said...

oh no fun! :( but i must say i laughed a little at your feather situation...mostly just because i can relate and a little because i am glad i don't have the only destructo dog out there.... :)

Heather said...

Wow, what a day! I don't think I've ever seen so many feathers. I hope your day goes better tomorrow.

Todd & Chelsea said...

Silly puppies! I am so sorry your day was such a nightmare! I say you should take tom off to recover:) But I'm glad we could chat...and that no matter how mad you get at em you still love em at the end of the day. Here's hoping all furniture is in tact tom!

Jenn said...

I am so sorry about your bad day. Sometimes things just suck!! However, you made me laugh with that funny picture. Daisy likes to take rolls of TP and shred them to pieces all over my house. I can only laugh afterwards as well.

Deborah Raymond said...

I've always heard the difference between a really rough situation and a good laugh is time... How impressive you are already looking back and laughing a little!

Amber said...

Oh man, what a mess. This is good preparation for when you guys have kids. You won't be bothered by the big messes they make!

Brenda said...

Now it is two days later, and my inquiring mind wants to know- - - did they now poop out a bunch of feathers, making your problem worse?

I'm sorry but I am laughing and realizing how grateful I am I don't have a dog right now!

Sorry for your bad day!

Amber said...

Holy cow Ash that's a big mess. I'm so sorry you had a rough day. Mine was rough as well today but not like yours. Those silly puppies. Hope your day is sweeter tomorrow. love ya

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! Sorry about the pillow, but glad the dogs had fun! What a mess!