Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Baby Charles

Dru and I went to the greatly anticipated ultrasound today and found out that we are having a GIRL!!!! I am so excited to have a little buddy. I have always wanted to have atleast one little girl and I am thrilled that I get to have her first. I don't have a scanner so I can't post ultrasound pictures yet, but they will hopefully be up soon.


bb,tonya and cam... said...

YAY!!! congrats!!!! so fun!! you guys will love it!! i can't say how adorable girls are yet...but if i can love the little boys i am sure little girls are so to die for too!

Judy said...


Heather said...

I am so excited for you! I LOVE having little girls. They are just so much fun, and so fun to doll up!

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys. And you better post more pregnant belly pictures than that one! And you can go ahead and smile in the next one ha ha. :)

Amber said...

Yay Yay and Yay again!!! i'm so excited you're having a little girl. This is just so fun! I'm going to have a neice and a nephew ha ha. You are pretty much my sister so I'm going to call her my neice. Hooray for Baby Charles and Baby Miller! Now I just hope there will be a Baby Miles soon! Congrats again!

Amber said...

Hey Ash did your sis go private? I can't get on to her blog for some reason. If she did can you give her my address so she can add me again? amberluv22@hotmail.com. Maybe it's just my computer I don't know