So I have been such a slacker on the blog lately! My baby girl turned 1 over a month and a half ago and I haven't blogged about it yet. Oh well, better late than never!!!
I can't believe my sweet baby girl is 1!!! Time has gone by so fast. Kenadee is such a cute little girl and we just can't get enough of her. She does the funniest things all of the time.
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We love our big girl!!! |
-Her biggest achievement as of late is.....WALKING!!!! She took her first couple of steps on her birthday but was very timid about it. Then, on August 16, she just started walking around. It really took my be surprise.
-She has 3 teeth now. She is working on 2 more, but they haven't come through yet. Despite only having 3 teeth she can gum just about anything to death, and by just about anything I mean she ate pork ribs the other night and did great with them. She also loves to "brusha" or brush her teeth.
-Kenadee is a very happy little girl and can entertain herself for quite a while (she is usually doing something she shouldn't be). She loves to read books with mom or by herself.
-Grandma Deborah gave Kenadee some necklaces for her birthday and she always has those things on, along with her bracelets. She is already showing signs of being a girly girl and this mamma loves it!!!
-She will sit really still and let me style her hair in all sorts of ways as long as Special Agent Oso or Little Einsteins is playing.
-Kenadee loves to make us laugh. Sometimes she will just look at us and start making a fake laugh so that we will start laughing at her.
-She is such a busy body and I often find all of my tupperware on the floor, along with measuring cups, sandwich bags, aluminum foil, and other random items.
-Kenadee knows where mom's nose is, but she hates to play that game and won't do it in front of anyone else.
-She loves her teddy bear "Ted" and has to sleep with him every night. Speaking of sleeping, she is still an amazing sleeper (anywhere from 10 to 12 hours a night). She doesn't let me snuggle her to sleep like she used to. She will let me snuggle her until she starts to get tired and then she wants to go lay in her bed. She only takes 1 nap a day now, in the afternoon, and it is usually 2 1/2 to 3 hours long. This is so nice for me because I can get a lot done in that amount of time.
-Kenadee still loves her dogs. She often throws food to them from her highchair. She gives them lots of loves and pats too. They are so good with her, and I am so thankful for that!!!
-As of late, my little monkey loves to climb on things. She is always testing the stairs. The other day she climbed onto the couch while I was vacuuming the cushions. She even climbed into grandma Deborah's kitchen drawer after she emptied it out. She has such a sense of accomplishment after she has climbed into or onto something.
-Little Miss LOVES to eat!! She is an amazing eater and it cracks me up. The only food she has ever met that she didn't like was watermelon. Aside from that she goes to town when we give her food. She can eat a 4 piece nugget from Burger King, drink all of her milk, and eat applesauce too. She doesn't snack much during the day so at her 3 meals she likes to take advantage I guess. She loves Goldfish crackers as snacks and will whine when she sees someone with a Goldfish box. Needless to say I usually have some on hand. She also loves GO GO Squeezies (applesauce in a little squeeze container so I don't need a spoon).
-At her 1 year appt she was 31 1/2 inches tall (99th percentile) and weighed 22 lbs 11 oz (85th percentile) so she is still one healthy girl and we could not be more thrilled!!!
On to the Birthday Party:
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Birthday Girl with her presents from mom and dad! This kid was spoiled rotten!!! |
We had 2 birthday parties for her. One at each set of grandparents house. Here she is opening presents at Gma and Gpa Charles house! |
She loves her little frog bath toy from Uncle Ryan, Aunt Nikki, and their girls! |
We are getting ready to sing Happy Birthday and she has no idea what all of the fuss is about! |
After Kenadee decided to stick her finger in the cake! |
Coming up with a game plan on how to tackle that piece of cake! |
"You talking to me? Yeah I ate the whole piece, what's it to ya?" |
At Gma and Gpa Ingram's opening her presents! |
2 peas in a pod checkin out her loot! |
She loves this picnic basket from Gma and Gpa Ingram |
Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday again! (I couldn't get the pic to cooperate so it is sideways) |
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Chowing down on piece of cake #2 (Hey it was her birthday. I wasn't going to deprive her) |
"Yep, I finished that one too!!" |
Kenadee was so lucky to have so many family members come to celebrate her birthday with her. At Gma and Gpa Charles house Uncle Brandon and Aunt Ashley came over, as well as Uncle Ryan. At Gma and Gpa Ingram's house her visitors included Aunt Linds, Uncle Rob, and Cousin Averie, Great Grandma and Grandpa Ingram, Great Grandpa Grimaud, and her Dobsons! Alli and Brycen even stopped by for a couple of minutes before her second party! She had a very fun day with all of her family and was exhausted by the end of the night!!! I was worried about her sleeping well with all of that sugar in her system, but she fell asleep on the way home from Gma and Gpa's and slept until almost 9 the next morning!!!